Why choose the SHARP EV 4 over a traditional Hydro vac?
Your company will save money
Save $8,000.00 on average per year in fuel costs and roughly $2,000.00 per year in parts and service
Our Equipment Requires
- No Pulleys
- No Belts
- No tensioners
- No Clutches
- No Engine Oil or Filters to change

Our Machines are made in America with Global Products
- Easy operation – operational video
- Low Noise
- Noise is the #1 complaint when using vacs! OSHA states noise above 85 DBA, hearing protection should be used. The SHARP EV 4 averages 74- 83 DBA.
- We built the most powerful trailer vac on the market
- 20’’ of mercury regardless of CFM
- We use a Tri-Lobe blower to decrease vibration and increase power
- We use a direct drive system so there is no loss of power and yet gain the most efficiency.
We designed and built our own lithium battery
- 120 Volt
- 340 ah
- 2,000 Duty Cycles
- Charge from 0%-100% in 6 hours
- Average cost to charge is about $3.00 a day vs. $40.00 in comparable amount of diesel
Zero emissions

Fuel Consumption for Traditional Vacs vs Electric Vacs
Trailer Vacs: It costs on average $3.80 to charge the EV-4. To fill an equivalent amount in a diesel vac is about $65. Using the vac 5 days a week 40 weeks a year it would take the following:
- $3.80 X 5 days = $19 per week to power the EV-4
- $19 a week X 40 weeks = $760 a year to power the EV-4
- $65 a day for diesel X 5 days a week = $325 a week
- $325 a week X 40 weeks = $13,000 a year in diesel
- $13,000 – $760 = $12,240 a year in fuel savings
Will the electric vac require parts and service; of course, but it will be far less than a traditional vac. The cost of parts and service does not calculate the down time which is more expensive to the contractor than the cost of repairs.
An electric car consumes 90% less parts and service than a traditional gasoline vehicle. We are ground engaging, so this changes things. CASE is estimating their 580e electric back hoe will consume 50% less parts and service than their traditional 580 diesel.
To boil it down: It will cost about $3.80 to charge a 40 kWh battery which would give your trailer vac a full day of use. It would cost about $65 of diesel to get the same use.
In parts of the USA and Internationally this would be far more dramatic: All prices in USD and US gallons.
Average price of a gallon of diesel in the USA: $4.60
In California the average price for diesel is $6.36
In Canada the average price for diesel is $6.68
In Europe the average price for diesel is $7.03
In Australia the average price for diesel is $4.90